Yaml File Recipe

Python and YAML

Understand the structure of a YAML file. Use python to parse the YAML file. Convert YAML files to JSON files. Use YAML file as a configuration file.

Viola Jones Algorithm (Face and smile detection 2022)

Table of Contents Have you ever wondered about how the square rectangles come up in handy cams and cameras, which detect your face, and some even have the feature of smile detection? How do the manufacturers of these image-capturing devices without using the heavy computational algorithms that use Artificial Intelligence manage to implement these features […]

Logistic Regression

What is logistic Regression ? Logistic regression is also a supervised machine learning algorithm, that outputs the probability of a discrete outcome given an input variable. So unlike a linear regression whose outcome is a continous variable. The logistic regression outputs a discrete value. Due to this it is usally it is used in classification […]

Linear Regressions

Linear Regression

Understand the Maths behind the linear regression, work on a simple input X and how we translate that into a regression problem. Understand how we calculate the different metrics used in Linear Regression.