Python Basics

Variables in python

We can initialise variables in python using = operators. example:

					a = 20
_t = "apples"
var34 = 67


what we cannot do is initialise a variable starting with number and any other symbols you see in your numeric pad except for underscore( _ ).

So following will give you these kind of errors.

					3 ="oranges"
>>> SyntaxError: cannot assign to literal
!er =79
>>> SyntaxError: invalid syntax
>>> SyntaxError: invalid syntax

What actually happens when you declare a variable ?

When we say a = 20. In the core, a is storing a memory reference to the value 20 not the actual value. Basically we can say that a is storing the memory address where the integer 20 is present. we can check this out by using id() method.

					a = 20
>>> print(id(a))

94664460861344 is the memory address where our value 20 is residing

Did you know python caches the integers in the range of -5 to 256 as part of python compilers optimisation

Data types in python

One major advantage of python is that it is a dynamically typed language. So dynamic type means during the declaration of the variables you do not have to mention the type of the variable. Python compiler automatically during the compilation stage take care of that.

That means i can declare the variable a = 20 and at later point of time we can override it and say a = "apples". Python does not restrict that.

Most commonly used data types in python

Integer Type

Any number -ve infinity to +ve infinity except for decimal numbers can be considered as integers

					a = 20
>>> <class 'int'>
Float Type

Any number having decimals is considered as floats. Even negative numbers with decimal values

					a = 11.7
>>> <class 'float'>
String Type

Any value coming in between two double quotes or two single quotes are considered as strings.

					a = "orange"
>>> <class 'str'>
Boolean Type

Boolean data types are binary states. Either True or False

					a = True
>>> <class 'bool'>
List Type

Lists are arrays, which can contain multiple values of different data types, more here.

					a = [20,"apple",45.6]
>>> <class 'list'>
Dictionary Type

Dictionary holds key and value pair. A dictionary can store different data types. Dictionaries can be nested too, more here.

					a = {"fruit":"apple"}
>>> <class 'dict'>
Bytes Type

There is a b followed by single or double quotes string, this is represented as bytes.

					a = b"orange"
>>> <class 'bytes'>
Set Type

Sets are like lists but closed with curly brackets. Sets store only unique values in them, more here.

					a = {"orange"}
>>> <class 'set'>
Tuple Type

Tuples are represented by closing parenthesis, tuples are immutable, once created we cannot replace the value of the tuples, more here.

					a = 20
>>> <class 'int'>

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