Installing RUST in Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

RUST installation guide

How to install RUST in Ubuntu

First run the update command

					sudo apt get update

Now run the following command to install latest RUST

					sudo apt install rustc

Check the installation with the following command.

					rustc --version

This should give you the version of RUST which is installed in your system

Let’s add RUST to your system path.

Add the following line to your bash profile 

vi ~/.bashrc

Then add the below line to it, save it and re-open a new shell.

					export PATH="$HOME/.cargo/bin:$PATH"

How to update RUST

You can update RUST using the rustup command.

					rustup update


How to specifically install a particular version of RUST

Use the following command 

					rustup install 1.58

How to UnInstall RUST from Ubuntu

To uninstall RUST from apt  package manager. Use the below command

					sudo apt remove rustc

To remove RUST completely from the system

					rustup self uninstall

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