Go Variables
In Go, variables act as containers to store data, and they can be declared in two main ways. The traditional method uses the var keyword, specifying both the variable name and its type. Alternatively, the shorthand notation := allows for quick declaration and initialization, with Go inferring the type from the assigned value. The var keyword is versatile and often used at the package level, while the short declaration is mostly used within functions for concise coding. Both methods are useful depending on the context of the code.
Data Types in GO
In this blog, we dive into the core data types in Go, covering everything from integers, floats, and booleans to more advanced composite types like slices and maps. You’ll also learn how to perform type conversions—turning integers into floats and strings into numbers, all while avoiding common pitfalls like precision loss and overflow. With fun examples and practical tips, you’ll get hands-on experience with Go’s strict but helpful type system, ensuring your code runs smoothly and efficiently.
Install GO in Linux
Learn how to install Golang system-wide on your Linux machine by following this step-by-step guide. From downloading the latest Go release to configuring your system’s environment variables in the /etc/profile file, this tutorial ensures that Go is accessible from any terminal location. Perfect for setting up a consistent Go development environment for all users on your system.